

Is 'Society' in the Room with us Now?

‘Is “Society” In The Room With Us Now?’ is Episode 2 of Intrapology, which aims to tell stories about how worlds are made, how they break apart, and how we can reconnect. Our innovative custom-made web app allows the audience to influence what the protagonist says and does. This reflects how the characters, and their world, have been shaped by society.

The title of this episode is borrowed from a joke made by transgender media scholar McKenzie Wark in a presentation last year on what she calls the “technics” of gender and sex. “I hate the phrase ‘socially constructed’… saying that something is ‘socially constructed’ to me is the equivalent of saying it comes from God, because where is this ‘social’? Is ‘the social’ in the room with us now?”

Hedi (Fadumo Hassan) is a rising star of the tech world, and nobody knows they are secretly an alien anthropologist - except for Tea, who has recently learned the same about themself. Hedi is a successful tech professional, and is optimistic about the future - we’re going to solve all our problems with increasingly powerful technology, just like Star Trek. But the tech world doesn’t want what they have to offer.

More information coming soon!

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